Discover Aetna PioneerSM

Tailor a plan for your needs and budget

We give you options so that you only pay for what you need. To start, choose from four Aetna Pioneer plans. Then select from our extra-cover options to tailor a plan that’s just right for you.

Plans designed around you

As you venture out to fulfill your goals, Aetna Pioneer has a health care plan to support you wherever life takes you. You’ll be pleased to discover that each option offers full cover for hospitalisation, cancer care, and emergency assistance services.

Speak to one of our UK-based sales executives on +44 (0)844 557 8037 or US Toll Free +1 800-914-2177.

Our lines are open from 08:00 to 20:00 hrs GMT. Click here to see contact numbers for other locations.

Explore the options

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Aetna Pioneer℠ Plan Benefits-at-a-Glance

Aetna Pioneer offers flexible solutions to tailor cover.

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Plans are available in a number of currencies. For a full description of cover, please refer to the Aetna Pioneer Handbook and Benefits schedule available at

If coverage provided by any insurance policy violates or will violate any U.S., UK, UN, or EU or other applicable economic or trade sanctions, the coverage is immediately considered invalid. For example, Aetna companies cannot make payments or reimburse for health care or other claims or services if it violates a financial sanction regulation. This includes sanctions related to a blocked person or entity, or a country under sanction by the United States, unless permitted under a valid written Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) license. For more information on OFAC, visit

Aetna Travel Plan

You’re covered for worldwide trips (including the US) up to 180 days at a time with your Aetna Travel plan.

* Your Aetna Travel plan does not cover you for any medical conditions you had within the 24-month period before you booked a trip or joined the plan. It also does not cover claims for any treatment that, in our reasonable opinion, is not immediately necessary and can wait until you return to your country of residence.

Please note that, if you have a pre-existing medical condition for which you need immediate cover, you may wish to consider alternative specialist stand-alone travel medical insurance.

In the United Kingdom, you can search for regulated providers via the following authorised directories:

MoneyHelper (formerly the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)

BIBA (British Insurance Brokers’ Association

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